Azhazha, V.M.; Bakai, A.S.; Bobrov, Yu.P.; Virich, V.D.; Yemlyaninova, T.G.; Kapustin, V.L.; Kovtun, K.V.; Lavrinenko, S.D.; Malykhin, D.G.; Petel’guzov, I.A.; Pylypenko, M.M.; Savchenko, V.I.; Semyonov, N.A.; Solopikhin, A.D.; Shirokov, B.M.
(Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
Studies have been made into corrosion and mechanical properties of high-nickel alloys prepared at NSC KIPT on the basis of high-purity metal components. Corrosion tests of the Hastelloy-type alloy in fluoride melts at 650°C ...