Комплекс археалагічных помнікаў ля вёскі
Кастыкі Вілейскага раёна Мінскай вобласці скла-
децца з курганнага могільніка старжытнарускага
часу і адкрытага паселішча, якое функцыянавала
ад позняга неаліту да трэцяй чвэрці І тыс. н. э.
Дадзены артыкул прысвечаны публікацыі матэры-
ялаў раскопак курганнага могільніка Кастыкі, якія
адбыліся ў 1973 г. Асноўная ўвага надаецца пераасэ-
нсаванню матэрыялаў раскопак 1973 г. у святле
новых даследванняў, праведзеных у 2016 і 2018 гг.
The complex of archaeological monuments near the
village Kastyki of the Viliejka district of the Minsk region
consists of an Old Rus’ barrow cemetery and an
open settlement, which functioned from the late Neolithic
period to the third quarter of the 1st millennium
AD. The complex of archaeological sites under the question
is located in the eastern part of the village Kastyki in the upper reaches of the Vilija, on its right bank,
2.5 km from the confluence of the Servač River into Vilija River. For the first time, studies at Kastyki were
carried out by K. Tyszkiewicz in 1856, when he excavated here one partially destroyed mound, containing
neither traces of burial nor burial goods. In 1973, J. Zviaruha conducted a study of the barrow cemetery
in Kastyki and excavated here 7 burial mounds. This article is devoted to the publication of materials
from the Kastyki barrow cemetery, which took place in 1973 under the direction of J. Zviaruha. The focus is on
rethinking the results of the 1973 excavations in the light of new research conducted in 2016 and 2018.
The analysis of materials from the excavation of the burial mound, carried out in 1973, suggests that the
necropolis functioned during the middle of the 11th—12th centuries. It belonged to a group of residents of the
Polatsk land, who made burials according to the rites of inhumation on the basis of burial mounds, with their
heads directed to the west. This, in turn, suggests that the members of the Old Rus’ community, which left the
necropolis in Kastyki, had a certain understanding of the Christian burial rites.