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Перегляд Functional Materials, 2004, № 1 за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Functional Materials, 2004, № 1 за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Ryzhikov, V.D.; Galkin, S.N.; Voronkin, E.F.; Zelenskaya, O.V.; Chernikov, V.V.; Pirogov, E.N.; Kozin, D.N.; Lisetskaya, E.K.; Danilenko, V.L. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    Results are presented of light output and uniformity of scintillation parameters of 1D and 2D-matrices for different conditions of their preparation. It has been shown that with grinded scintillators based on ZnSe(Te) and ...
  • Jinhyoung Bae; Jooho Whang (Functional Materials, 2004)
    Fast neutron resonance technique was simulated using MCNP-4B (Monte Carlo N-Parti-cle System) to find its usefulness to contraband inspection. By applying neutron techniques, elemental composition of the material in question ...
  • Jae Cheon Kim; Jong Kyung Kim; Yong Kyun Kim; Se Hwan Park (Functional Materials, 2004)
    To investigate the design characteristics of the newly designed and fabricated prototype ionization chamber, which was made by cooperation with KAERI (Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute), the absorbed dose of inner gas ...
  • Ivanchenko, I.; Karelin, S.; Popenko, N. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    The paper presents a З-cm automated ESR spectrometer providing measurements be done in the temperature range 4.2 to З00 K. The spectrometer is designed according to a standard scheme with a superhet SHF radiation receiver ...
  • Okhrimenko, B.A.; Gaididei, G.I.; Samoilenko, D.M. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    Force matrices for PH3, ASH3 and SbH molecules have been computed. Approximation for two anharmonic parameters separately for stretching and bending vibrations is used. Form parameters for the investigated molecules are ...
  • Neelov, I.; Balabaev, N.; Ratner, M.; Sundholm, F.; Binder, K. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    Наведено результати комп’ютерного моделювання методом динйміки зіткнєнь двох типів полімерних щіток: перший тип містить ланцюжки ізотропних мономерів ("гнучка щітка"), тоді як другий тип відповідає анізотропії мономерів ...
  • Bondarchuk, Ya.M.; Dovgy, Ya.O. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    A new approach to development of He-Ne lasers on cascade transitions with radiation wavelength 2.39 μm is considered. Mirrors of the resonator play the part of selective elements. The optimum parameters of laser generation ...
  • Khrypunov, G.S. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    The high-frequency non-reactive magnetron sputtering regimes have been found providing ITO films exhibiting a necessary combination of optical and electrical paramet ers of those layers in ITO/CdS/CdTe solar cells.
  • Deyneka, T.G.; Vovk, E.A.; Ishchuk, V.M.; Ramakaeva, R.F.; Volkova, G.K.; Konstantinova, T.E. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    Исследована реакционная способность оксида циркония различной кристаллической модификации (моноклинной, тетрагональной и кубической) при получении цирконата свинца. С помощью дилатометрического и рентгенофазового анализов ...
  • Nikiforenko, V.N.; Bosin, M.E.; Krasnikova, Z.A.; Solodilov, S.A. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    The structure state evolution near the yield limit of polycrystalline aluminum of various purity grades under active loading has been studied by electric resistance method. Characteristic parameters of the structure state ...
  • Ryzhikov, V.; Starzhinskiy, N.; Katrunov, K.; Grinyov, B.; Nekrasov, V.; Silin, V.; Spasov, V.; Galich, Yu.; Verbitskiy, O.; Zenya, I. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    In a broad energy range of X-ray radiation (U = 2 175 kV), we have studied output characteristics (light output, quantum yield of luminescence, etc.) of scintillators based on ZnSe crystals, as well as scintillators ...
  • Padlyak, B.; Szarska, S. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    The X-band (v = 9.4 GHz) EPR spectra of the UV-, X-, and y-irradiated biologically active glass (Bioglass) samples of two different compositions have been investigated at 7 7 and 300 K. The generation efficiency of the ...
  • Andriyevsky, B.V.; Romanyuk, M.O.; Romanyuk, G.M. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    A method has been elaborated to reconstruct the material absorption spectrum k(ω') in the ranges of fundamental excitations (ω') basing on the refractive index dispersion n(ω) in the material transparency range (ω). The ...
  • Semenova, O.N.; Galkina, O.S.; Patsenker, L.D.; Yermolenko, I.G.; Fedyunyayeva, I.A. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    The 2,5-diphenyl-1,3-oxazole and 2,5-diphenyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole dimethylamino deriva¬tives are widely used as organic luminophores. These compounds are found to be substi¬tuted in the ortAo-position to the dimethylamino ...
  • Sidelnikova, N.S.; Rom, M.A.; Dan‘ko, A.Ya.; Nizhankovsky, S.V.; Sirik, U.V.; Krivonogov, S.I. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    A phenomenon of transformation of sapphire surface layer with the formation of a new cubic phase of spinel (AIAI₂О₄) structure as a result of high temperature reducing annealing has been revealed. The result of microscopic ...
  • Matzui, L.; Babich, M.; Zakharenko, M.; Nakonechna, O.; Vovchenko, L. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    The influence of ageing and heat treatment on the structure, phase composition and morphology of cobalt supported composite material TEG + 30 mass.% Co prepared by chemical deposition method has been studied using the X-ray ...
  • Nadtochy, V.; Golodenko, M.; Moskal, D. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    The comparative analysis of the dislocation images obtained by optical and scanning electron microscopy in Ge single crystals has been carried out. The results obtained by both methods agree well with each other. When there ...
  • Vakulenko, O.V.; Kravchenko, V.M. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    The work is aimed at the nature elucidation of IR photoluminescence (PL) bands with peaks at 1.3 and 1.6 eV (970 and 790 nm, respectively) in ZnSe and ZnSe(Te) crystals. Experimental studies of the PL of additionally ...
  • Gomenyuk, O.V.; Nedilko, S.G.; Stus, N.V.; Slobodyanyk, M.S.; Scherbatsky, V.P. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    Luminescence properties of NaAIP₂O₇ crystals doped with chromium ions have been investigated. Luminescence spectra of these crystals consist of two main bands in the green-orange and red spectral regions, respectively. ...
  • Chukova, O.V.; Boyko, R.S.; Gaididei, G.I.; Nagornyi, P.G.; Nedilko, S.G.; Nedyelko, I.M.; Radzivanov, V.I.; Sakun, V.P.; Boyko, V.V. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    Phosphate compounds are used for long time storage of many radioactive substances waste. For the first time the single crystals and glasses NaTi2(PO4) compounds doped with rare-earth elements such as neodymium, samarium, ...


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