В июле 2011 года Феодосийская археологическая экспедиция КФ ИА НАН Украины начала исследование могильника, принадлежащего обитателям городища Куру-Баш, которое находится в 0,6 км к северо-западу от северо-западной окраины села Виноградное Феодосийской административной зоны
In the article the results of excavations of the ground necropolis of ancient settlement of Kuru Bash near Feodosya in 2011 are published. Absence in Kuru-Bashs necropolis the single burials in catacombs testifies that a leaving him population, obviously, was barbarian and consisted of transmitters of early period of late Scythia culture. To this population the ceremony of frequent burial places was inherent in the small ground burial vaults. The got materials specify on the chronologic scopes of existence of this burial ground: II - middle of I centuries B.C.