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Перегляд Физика низких температур, 2007, том 33 за темою "Classical Cryocrystals"

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Физика низких температур, 2007, том 33 за темою "Classical Cryocrystals"

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Kosevich, A.M.; Feodosyev, S.B.; Gospodarev, I.A.; Grishaev, V.I.; Kotlyar, O.V.; Kruglov, V.O.; Manzhelii, E.V.; Syrkin, E.S. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    The density of states g(w) of disordered solutions of solidified inert gases have been calculated using the Jacobian matrix method. The transformation of a discrete vibrational level into an impurity zone at a growing ...
  • Ivanov, A.Yu.; Karachevtsev, V.A. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    The Fourier transform infrared spectra in the range 4000–200 cm⁻¹ of pyrimidine nucleoside 2'-deoxyuridine (dU) have been obtained in the low temperature inert Kr matrices. For the first time, instead of a usual flat ...
  • Horbenko, E.E.; Troitskaya, E.P.; Chabanenko, Val.V. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    The lattice dynamics of cryocrystals is investigated from first principles in the framework of the Tolpygo model over a wide range of pressures. The phonon frequencies in rare-gas solids are calculated in terms of models ...
  • Freiman, Yu.A.; Tretyak, S.M. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    The T 0K equations of state (EOS) of rare-gas solids (RGS) (He, Ne, Ar, Kr, and Xe) are calculated in the experimentally studied ranges of pressures accounting for two- and three-body interatomic forces. Solid-state ...
  • Krainyukova, N.V. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    Low-temperature high-energy (50 keV) electron diffraction study of size-dependent structures and growth mechanisms of neon samples in multiporous «amorphous» carbon films is presented. Electron diffractograms were analyzed ...
  • Pisarska, E.; Stachowiak, P..; Jeźowski, A. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    The paper reports preliminary results on the kinetics of the molecular spin conversion in solid methane (CH₄) and deuterated methane (CD₄), obtained through thermal conductivity measurements in the temperature range 2–10 K.
  • Danchuk, V.V.; Solodovnik, A.A.; Strzhemechny, M.A. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    Using the transmission high-energy electron diffraction technique, we studied the temperature dependence of the diffraction reflection intensities from the solid phase of CO₂. To deduce absolute values of the orientational ...
  • Bagatskii, M.I.; Mashchenko, D.A.; Dudkin, V.V. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    The heat capacity CP of solid Kr–n CH₄ solutions with the CH₄ concentrations n = 0.82, 0.86, 0.90 as well as solutions with n = 0.90, 0.95 doped with 0.002 O₂ impurity has been investigated under equilibrium vapor pressure ...
  • Gomonay, E.V.; Loktev, V.M. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    In the present paper we generalize a phenomenological model developed by Gomonay and Loktev (Fiz. Nizk. Temp. 31, 1002 (2005)) for the description of magnetostructural phase transitions and related peculiarities of elastic ...
  • Bagatskii, M.I.; Feodosyev, S.B.; Gospodarev, I.A.; Kotlyar, O.V.; Manzhelii, E.V.; Nedzvetskiy, A.V.; Syrkin, E.S. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    Low-temperature heat capacity of cryocrystals, which contain impurity clusters has been investigated theoretically and experimentally. Such defects might essentially enrich low-frequency part of the phonon spectrum by ...
  • Sumarokov, V.V.; Stachowiak, P.; Jeżowski, A. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    The thermal conductivities of CO₂ and N₂O solids have been investigated in the low-temperature range 1–40 K. The thermal conductivities of CO₂ and N₂O are large compared with those of simple molecular crystals such as ...
  • Pursky, O.I.; Konstantinov, V.A. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    The thermal conductivity of solid CF₂Cl₂ was measured by the linear-flow method in the temperature range 80–115 K under saturated vapor pressure. Special attention is given to the explanation of the heat transfer process ...
  • Karasevskii, A.I.; Lubashenko, V.V. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    A self-consistent statistical method is used to calculate the Gibbs free energy of vacancy formation in heavy rare gas crystals at high temperature. It is shown that the vacancy formation free energy rapidly falls in the ...


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