Хранителі центральних та місцевих мінцкабінетів (музеїв) вже з середини ХІХ ст. розуміли значення монетного
скарбу як цілісного комплексу, що є немовби моментальним
знімком грошового обігу у конкретній місцевості на момент
його приховування. За півтора століття українською історичною наукою зафіксовано близько 2,5 тисячі скарбів монет, про склад яких є більш-менш повна інформація. Автор
даної статті, використавши довідкову базу та методики вивчення скарбів відомих українських нумізматів: В.Шугаєвського, І.Спаського, М.Котляра, В.Рябцевича, М.Дми трієнко,
В.Зварича, Яушевої-Омельянчик, Н.Стри жакової, О.Бєлої,
зробив спробу систематизувати та проаналізувати Барські
скарби західноєвропейських срібних монет ХVІІ ст.
Keepers of central and local museums from the middle of the XIXth
century understood the importance of the monetary treasure as the
whole complex which is as instantaneous print of money circulation in
the specific district at the moment of its keeping. During one and a half
century nearly 2,5 thousand monetary treasures had been fixed by the
Ukrainian historical science. There is more or less full information about
the composition of these treasures.
In 2002 in the ancient town Bar (in 2001 it was 600 years old) Vinnitsa
region a new treasure was found of 76 Polish and Lithuanian silver
coins. The conditions of keeping these coins are satisfactory and it gives
the opportunity to date, to classify and identify them.
Previos inspection of the find gave the possibility to determine its
contents-Polish-Lithuanian coins of the XVII– th century, which had
been in the money circulation of Ukraine and Podillia, specifically, as
in the period of ruling of Rich Pospolita on the ’’king’s’’ lands of Bar
starostva and in the period of establishing Hetman state and so-named
«Ruina» (1663–1679).
The crown silver orti, shostaki, tryohgroshoviki ( in Ukraine the name
«shagi»(steps) was used ), pivtoraki, Lithuanian and Polish pivgroshi
were kept in that treasure.
There were 7 ortiv, 11shostakiv, 11 troyakiv, 42 pivtoraki, 2 Lithuanian
and 3 Polish pivgroshi in that pot.
The oldest coin in this treasure is shostak with the portrayal of Sigizmund
(1614 year printed), and the newest–shostak of 1679 year.
So, the Bar treasure of 2002 year gives the opportunity to investigaters
to trace the predomination of Polish and Lithuanian coins, which
were in the monetary circulation of Podillia in 1614–1679 years.
It will help to anylise the trade–money and economic relations in Ukraine
in the period of being it in the form–part of Rich Pospolita and in the period
of Hetmanshchina to understand the reasons of absence of printing its
own national money unit in Hetman period (1648 –1764 years).