Summary. Tumor cryodestruction with subsequent surgery and cryoautovaccination was performed in 22 breast cancer patients, including 5 at stage IIa (T1-2N0-1M0); 9 at stage IIb (T2-3N0-1M0), 7 at stage IIIa (T2-3N2M0); and 1 at stage IIIb (T4N0-3M0). Patients tolerated the combined treatment without general and local side effects and resulted in a significantly decreased concentration of СА15-3 antigen in the blood serum, increased helper-to-suppressor ratio, tendency to increased numbers of CD3+- and CD4+-T lymphocytes, development of delayed-type hypersensitivity and appearance of serum antibodies to the vaccine’s components. Over the follow-up period (12 to 28 months) all patients were alive with no signs of relapse. These findings suggest that it is promising to continue investigation in this direction.
Резюме. Криодеструкция опухоли с последующей операцией и криоаутовакцинацией проведена 22 больным раком молочной железы (стадия IIa (T1-2N0-1M0) — 5, IIб (T2-3N0-1M0) — 9, IIIa (T2-3N2M0) — 7 и IIIб (T4N0-3M0) — 1 пациентке). Комплексное лечение не обусловливало развития системных и местных побочных реакций, сопровождалось достоверным снижением концентрации антигена СА15-3 в сыворотке крови, возрастанием хелперно-супрессорного соотношения, тенденцией к увеличению количества CD3+- и CD4+-Т-лимфоцитов, развитием реакции гиперчувствительности замедленного типа и появлением сывороточных антител к компонентам вакцины. На протяжении 12–28 мес наблюдения все больные живы, признаки рецидива не выявлены. Сделан вывод о перспективности продолжения подобных исследований.
Ключевые слова: рак молочной железы, криодеструкция, операция, противоопухолевая аутовакцина, побочные эффекты, иммунологические показатели, клинические результаты.
Summary. Tumor cryodestruction with subsequent surgery and cryoautovaccination was performed in 22 breast cancer patients, including 5 at stage IIa (T1-2N0-1M0); 9 at stage IIb (T2-3N0-1M0), 7 at stage IIIa (T2-3N2M0); and 1 at stage IIIb (T4N0-3M0). Patients tolerated the combined treatment without general and local side effects and resulted in a significantly decreased concentration of СА15-3 antigen in the blood serum, increased helper-to-suppressor ratio, tendency to increased numbers of CD3+- and CD4+-T lymphocytes, development of delayed-type hypersensitivity and appearance of serum antibodies to the vaccine’s components. Over the follow-up period (12 to 28 months) all patients were alive with no signs of relapse. These findings suggest that it is promising to continue investigation in this direction.
Key Words: breast cancer, cryodestruction, surgery, anti-tumor autovaccine, side effects, immunological indices, clinical results.