Посилання:Об использовании индексов для видовой диагностики коловраток рода Lecane (Rotatoria, Lecatiidae) / Э.Н. Овандер // Вестник зоологии. — 1980. — Т. 14, № 3. — С. 42-46. — Бібліогр.: 6 назв. — рос.
The method of indices was used for diagnosing the species Lecane (Monostyla) lunaris and L.(M.) constricta. Biometrical constants of 6 out of 8 indices show a statistically reliable difference between these species. From 78 to 96.5°/o of individuals show a non-transgression of the indices. The two species are most clearly differentiated by the ratio of the distance between the lateral corners on the front shield edge to its width and also by the ratio of the same distance to the depth of the shield incision from dorsal side of the front edge.