dc.description.abstract |
У статті запропоновано аналіз засобів мовно-естетичної
репрезентації образу місто у поетичних текстах Б.-І. Антонича. Продемонстровано специфіку індивідуально-авторської
картини світу у цьому тематичному сегменті, особливу увагу
звернено на кореляцію поетичної традиції та новаторства.
Визначено й описано продуктивні лексико-семантичні й
тропеїчні моделі опису міста.
Встановлено, що контекстуальні вживання номінації місто та її поетичних конкретизаторів у поезії Б.-І. Антонича
здебільшого пов’язані з прямим, номінативним значенням. Як
носій культурно-естетичної інформації, номінація місто також часто переосмислюється, виформовує нові лексико-асоціативні зв’язки, зумовлені індивідуальним досвідом автора, його
особистісними креативними та естетичними уподобаннями. |
uk_UA |
dc.description.abstract |
The theme of the city is not the main one, but it is important
for B.-I. Antonych’s lyrics. Author’s reflections on the theme of the
city are important fragment of the individual artistic picture of the
world. In view of this, the article offers an analysis of the means of
linguistic and aesthetic representation of the concept of city in poetic
texts by B.-I. Antonych. The specifics of the individual-author’s
picture of the world in this thematic segment are demonstrated.
It is emphasized that B.-I. Antonych’s individual style has
already been sufficiently studied from the point of literary criticism.
Instead, linguistic research on the peculiarities of author’s artistic
language should be intensified.
It was found that in B.-I. Antonych’s poetic interpretation concept
of the city appears simultaneously in several dimensions: both as a
geographical object with a characteristic set of realities, and as an
industrial and socio-cultural environment. In these conditions a new
socio-psychological type of personality is formed.
The article identifies productive lexical and semantic models of
city description. It has been established that the contextual uses of the
nomination city and its poetic concretizers are mostly related to the
direct lexical meaning «large settlement, administrative, industrial,
trade and cultural center» recorded in common dictionaries. At the
same time as a carrier of cultural and aesthetic information, the
city nomination is also often reconsidered, forming new lexical
and associative connections due to the individual experience of the
author, his personal creative and aesthetic preferences.
It was revealed that epithet phrases have text-forming significance
in the creation of the linguistic image of the city. Around the concept
of the city in the poetry of B.-I. Antonych grouped definitions that
testify to his anthropomorphization, natural morphization, and also
verbalize different types of evaluation - neutral, positive and negative.
The development of the image of the city is often based on its
logical and associative connections with the realities that detail its
space, its social and cultural infrastructure – square, square, street,
lane, park, square, town hall, lantern, limousine. In the structure
of poetic expression, they realize the direct lexical meaning recorded
in common dictionaries, and sometimes they are also expressions of
occasional individual-author associations.
A separate aspect of the author’s perception and display of the
city is its opposition to the world nature. Nature in the poetic picture
of B.-I. Antonych’s world is presented as a harmonious, living space,
while the city has an unnatural, standardized, schematic nature.
In general, the image in the poetry by B.-I. Antonych reflects the
objective structure of the city, its social, architectural and cultural
The perspective of the proposed study is the possibility of
drawing parallels between the poetry by B.-I. Antonych and the
lyrics of European modernist poets, in particular P. Verharn and R.-
M. Rilke. |
uk_UA |