Стаття присвячена аналізу епохи культуротворення в українській археології кам’яної доби, а
також важливої ролі видатного українського археолога Д. Я. Телегіна в дослідженні мезоліту України зазначеного періоду.
At the beginning of the 20th century the West European
Scholars O. Spengler and А. Toynbee introduced
a new мultichoice vision of the World history. In the
western archaeology of the interwar period it resulted
in rejection of the global stages of the development of
the primitive state and mass distinguishing of the numerous
local cultures.
Іn the course of time the stage-schematic concepts
of the culture development have progressively shown
a trend to a concept of the locality not only in Western
but in Eastern Europe too. The 1970s is notable
for a start of the cultures distinguishing boom in the
Mesolithic history of the European part of the Soviet
Rapid process of distinguishing of the local cultures
spread all over European continent having fundamentally
changed cultural-historical map of the Mesolithic
Europe. The 70s are marked by publishing of numerous
monographs dedicated to cultural differentiation
and periodization of some regions of the Central-East
Europe. These problems have come to dominate at the
international congresses and conferences. Congress in
1973 in Warsaw or conference in Leningrad in 1974
might serve as examples. As a result of new culturalperiodizational
researches the Mesolithic map of Europe
has become extremely variegated and subject to
changes almost every year. The process of cultural
distinguishing in the Mesolithic studies in Ukraine
and Russia was especially stimulated by the achievements
of the Polish and the Lithuanian scholars in
A head of Stone Age department of Archaeology
Institute of NAS of Ukraine prof. D. Ya. Telehin take
active part at distinguishing of the local Mesolithic cultures
of Ukraine. The final transfer of D. Ya. Telehin
to the positions of locality is demonstrated in his main
work, generalizing monograph on the Ukraine Mesolithic
in 1982. The researcher in this work has already
distinguished near 20 original cultures and types of the
monuments developed within two chronological both
early and late stages of the Mesolithic in Ukraine. Developing
periodization of the Mesolithic of the Ukraine
D. Telehin stimulated regional researches directing
the youth to study the Mesolithic of separate regions or
cultural communities.