Костяные пластины, украшенные художественной рельефной резьбой, являются, несомненно, редкой и ценной находкой. В 1987 г. во время раскопок в квартале X «А» Северного района Херсонеса, проводимых под руководством С.Г. Рыжова и доведенных до уровня полов, было найдено около 70-ти фрагментов костяных пластин. Все они лежали на «подошве двора» усадьбы № 1 [1, л. 4]. За редким исключением, пластины сильно фрагментированы, покорежены, имеют характерную пепельно-серую или пепельно-черную окраску и измененный вес.
In 1987, during the excavations headed by S. G. Ryzhov, in farmstead N1, in the block X «А» of the Northern district of Chersonesos, about 70 fragments of bone piates from a casket were found. The farmstead was defined as a coaching inn and is dated back to the 13th century. The casket was a personal belonging of either the master of the estate or one of the guests. The casket is attributed to caskets of «rosette type», instances of Constantinople work of ivory are dated back by the 10th -12th centuries. Caskets were exported to other countries and were popular. The probable period of manufacturing Chersonesos bone plates is the 40s - 70s of the 12th century. They were made by a provincial, perhaps, Chersonesos craftsman who used a more perfect pattern from the capital as a model.