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Літературознавчі зацікавлення Платона Лушпинського: погляд на творчість Т. Шевченка

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dc.contributor.author Меленчук, О.
dc.date.accessioned 2020-02-11T17:19:26Z
dc.date.available 2020-02-11T17:19:26Z
dc.date.issued 2018
dc.identifier.citation Літературознавчі зацікавлення Платона Лушпинського: погляд на творчість Т. Шевченка / О. Меленчук // Слово і Час. — 2018. — № 5. — С. 26-34. — Бібліогр.: 19 назв. — укp. uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn 0236-1477
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/165094
dc.description.abstract У статті акцентовано на літературознавчих здобутках маловідомої постаті в українському літературознавстві, колишнього учня С. Смаль-Стоцького – Платона Лушпинського. Зокрема, розглядається питання біографії, літературознавчої методології дослідника. Відтак проаналізовано його науково-популярну працю “Естетична аналіза поетичних творів” та простежено естетичну концепцію П. Лушпинського на прикладі творчості Т. Шевченка. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract The essay reveals literary achievements of a little-known figure in Ukrainian literary criticism, the student of S. Smal-Stotskyi – Platon Lushpynskyi. Special attention is paid to the biographical issues and literary methodology of the researcher. In this respect the author examines Lushpynskyi’s essay “Aesthetic analysis of poetic works” and considers his aesthetic concept applied to T. Shevchenko’s creative work. P. Lushpynskyi developed as a literary critic while studying at the philosophical faculty of Chernivtsi University. The literary views of the researcher were formed not only under the infl uence of S. Smal- Stotskyi’s ideas and concepts, but also due to the good knowledge of the German language and literature. Lushpynskyi was interested in achievements of Western European literary and philosophical thought, which contributed to the development of his own approaches to analyzing and evaluating the works of art, and enriched his idea of art in general. The nature of the scholarly studies by P. Lushpynskyi testifi es that the framework of his literary methodology is the philological method, the original idea of which is the aesthetic criterion as a basis for evaluating the piece of art. P. Lushpynskyi’s views on the categories of beauty, ethical and aesthetic ideals, the role and significance of poetry, its external form and internal content, and stylistic features as well are mainly embodied in his essay “Aesthetic analysis of poetic works”. The research works dealing with T. Shevchenko’s writings form a considerable part of P. Lushpynskyi’s scholarly heritage. The worldview evolution of the author of “Kobzar” is considered by P. Lushpynskyi in the article “Shevchenko’s “Kholodnyi Yar”” (1930). Some signifi cant changes in the poet’s mood were related here to the second trip of T. Shevchenko to Ukraine. P. Lushpynskyi argues that in “Kholodnyi Yar” the author achieves a true aesthetic ideal, where the “harmony between content and form” is present, and high artistic skills are realized. In his analysis of Shevchenko’s poetry P. Lushpynskyi emphasizes a special author’s ability to portray personalities, show their own experiences, feelings, depict the images, which appear in the characters’ own imagination. Shevchenko’s poems written in exile are evaluated by P. Lushpynskyi as the best examples of the poet’s style. uk_UA
dc.description.abstract В статье акцентировано на литературоведческих достижениях малоизвестной фигуры в украинском литературоведении, бывшего ученика С. Смаль-Стоцкого – Платона Лушпинского. В частности, внимание посвящено вопросам биографии, литературоведческой методологии исследователя. Поэтому проанализирован его научно-популярный труд “Эстетический анализ поэтических произведений” и прослежена эстетическая концепция П. Лушпинского на примере творчества Т. Шевченко. uk_UA
dc.language.iso uk uk_UA
dc.publisher Інститут літератури ім. Т.Г. Шевченка НАН України uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartof Слово і Час
dc.subject Ad fontes! uk_UA
dc.title Літературознавчі зацікавлення Платона Лушпинського: погляд на творчість Т. Шевченка uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Literary Interests of Platon Lushpynskyi: His View on T. Shevchenko’s Creative Work uk_UA
dc.title.alternative Литературоведческие интересы Платона Лушпинского: взгляд на творчество Т. Шевченко uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.status published earlier uk_UA
dc.identifier.udc 82.09(477)Лушпинський:891.161.2Шев1/7

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