Опубліковано комплексне вивчення об'єкта
празької культури, дослідженого на Київському
Подолі. На основі аналізу отриманого матеріалу
зроблено висновок про його тимчасове використання давнім мешканцем, а основну діяльність жителя охарактеризовано як риболовецьку.
In 2016, the Architectural and archaeological expedition
of the IA NAS of Ukraine under the guidance
of G. Yu. Iwakin conducted scientific and rescue excavations
at the foot of the Yurkovitsa Hill on the Kyiv
Podil. During this work, the dwelling of the Prague culture
was discovered (fig. 1; 2).
Only a part of semi-dugout dwelling was found within
the dig. Its shape was probably close to square. It
was oriented northwest — southeast. In the northern
corner, a furnace of clay and stone on sandy bedding
was found. Two broken hand-made pots and separate
fragments of ceramics were in its filling. (fig. 3; 4). Impurities of burnt organic matter were clearly visible in
the clay solution. According to microsection of the ceramic fragment, a red clay with a high content of ore
minerals fragments was used for the manufacture of vessels. A furnace has similar mineral characteristics.
Such clays are common on the for the right-bank part of the Kyiv region. The most likely dating of this type
of vessels is from the end of the sixth to the beginning of the seventh century AD.