Подано скіфський комплекс IV ст. до н. е. з оригінальним односічним кинджалом північнобалканського типу.
In presented article, Scythian barrow with original
single-edged dagger is published. This burial is characterized as typical Scythian complex. It was arranged
in the catacomb with stone overlap. A buried man was placed with his head to the west, with the dagger near
his left hand. This dagger has bright decoration. There were bone plates on the hilt, fixed by three iron rivets
with wide heads. Known analogies belong to the horizon of the 5th—4th centuries BC and are associated with
impacts from the cultures of the Northern Balkans. Some arrowheads, remained after the robbery, give as
possibility to establish the date of this complex more particularly by the middle 4th centuryBC.