Проаналізовано серію металевих предметів з
скіфських курганів Херсонщини IV ст. до н. е. з археологічного зібрання НМІУ, які інтерпретовано як медичні інструменти.
In 1973, the Kherson Expedition of the Institute
of Archaeology of Ukraine under the leadership of
A. I. Terenozhkin discovered a group of kurgans near
the village of Lvove in the Kherson region. Five Scythian
graves were investigated in the mound 11. Two of them belonged to the Amazons and have not been
robbed. Some of the items from these kurgans are stored in
the National Museum of Ukrainian History. After the restoration, they in fact have got a second life and a
new attribution. The most interesting are things from burial 2: a pair of iron spring forceps, an iron knife with
a bone faceted handle, and a bronze bowl. According to the Doctor of Veterinary O. P. Melnyk, these items are
close to modern medical instruments. The bronze bowl with thin sides, a flat bottom and a corolla with a rigid
ledge could serve for fast heating of water and sterilization of tools. Iron forceps could be used to take tools
out of boiling water. The shape of the knife blade and its technological features are similar to modern hoof
knives designed to care for the hooves of animals. A similar bowl was found in burial No. 4, while another
bowl and a bronze knife were in the main burial 7 of the same kurgan.