В статье рассмотрены физические процессы при колебаниях напряжения, способы измерения и расчетов показателей их характеризующих, влияние колебаний напряжения на электрооборудование и мероприятия по его снижению.
Сделан вывод о целесообразности проведения исследований по определению ответственности субъектов в случае превышения колебаниями напряжения допустимых значений
статті розглянуті фізичні процеси при коливаннях напруги, способи вимірювання та розрахунки показників, які їх
характеризують, вплив коливань напруги на електрообладнання та заходи щодо його зниження. Зроблено висновок
про доцільність проведення досліджень з визначення відповідальності суб'єктів у разі перевищення коливаннями напруги допустимих значень
Purpose. The purpose of work is the analysis of scientific and
technical information for determination of expediency of researches on the determined calculations of individual share of
suppliers and consumers in violation of quality of electric energy on indicators of fluctuations of voltage. Methodology. Today the indicators characterizing fluctuations of voltage aren't
considered: scope of change of voltage (δUt) and dose of a
flicker (Pt). These indicators represent long changes of characteristics of tension that assumes potential opportunity for studying of regularities of their emergence and the determined distribution of responsibility for these violations between subjects.
Results. As showed by results of research: fluctuations of voltage make negative impact on sight of the person and functioning
of the electric equipment; in a network there is a large number
of possible sources of fluctuation of tension; there are ways of
identification of fluctuation of voltage; there are methods of
decrease in fluctuation of voltage. The analysis of literature
didn't reveal development by definition of responsibility of subjects for violation of requirements to quality of electric energy
regarding fluctuations of voltage. Originality. Performance of
development in this direction will make definition of responsibility for violation of quality of electric energy fuller and basic.
Practical value. This research will allow to develop further the
metering device which defines responsibility according to the
current legislation, and has flexible algorithm for further improvement. to the legislation, also has flexible algorithm for
further improvement