Посилання:Irreducible Generic Gelfand-Tsetlin Modules of gl(n) / V. Futorny, D. Grantcharov, L.E. Ramirez // Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications. — 2015. — Т. 11. — Бібліогр.: 23 назв. — англ.
Підтримка:This paper is a contribution to the Special Issue on New Directions in Lie Theory. The full collection is
available at http://www.emis.de/journals/SIGMA/LieTheory2014.html.
V.F. gratefully acknowledges the hospitality and excellent working conditions at the CRM,
University of Montreal, where part of this work was completed. V.F. is supported in part by
the CNPq grant (301320/2013-6) and by the Fapesp grant (2014/09310-5). D.G. is supported
in part by the Fapesp grant (2011/21621-8) and by the NSA grant H98230-13-1-0245. L.E.R. is
supported by the Fapesp grant (2012/23450-9).