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dc.contributor.author Chung, S.
dc.contributor.author Mohseni, S.M.
dc.contributor.author Eklund, A.
dc.contributor.author Dürrenfeld, P.
dc.contributor.author Ranjbar, M.
dc.contributor.author Sani, S.R.
dc.contributor.author Nguyen, T.N.A.
dc.contributor.author Dumas, R.K.
dc.contributor.author Åkerman, J.
dc.date.accessioned 2018-01-05T17:58:57Z
dc.date.available 2018-01-05T17:58:57Z
dc.date.issued 2015
dc.identifier.citation Magnetic droplet solitons in orthogonal spin valves / S.Chung, S.M. Mohseni, A. Eklund, P. Dürrenfeld, M. Ranjbar, S.R. Sani, T.N.A. Nguyen, R.K. Dumas, J. Åkerman // Физика низких температур. — 2015. — Т. 41, № 10. — С. 1063–1068. — Бібліогр.: 62 назв. — англ. uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn 0132-6414
dc.identifier.other PACS: 75.30.Ds, 75.75.–c
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/128089
dc.description.abstract We review the recent experimental advancements in the realization and understanding of magnetic droplet solitons generated by spin transfer torque in orthogonal nanocontact based spin torque nanooscillators (STNOs) fabricated on extended spin valves and spin valve nanowires. The magnetic droplets are detected and studied using the STNO microwave signal and its resistance, the latter both quasistatically and time-resolved. The droplet nucleation current is found to have a minimum at intermediate magnetic field strengths and the nature of the nucleation changes gradually from a single sharp step well above this field, mode-hopping around the minimum, and continuous at low fields. The mode-hopping and continuous transitions are ascribed to droplet drift instability and re-nucleation at different time scales, which is corroborated by time-resolved measurements. We argue that the use of tilted anisotropy fixed layers could reduce the nucleation current further, move the nucleation current minimum to lower fields, and potentially remove the need for an applied magnetic field altogether. Finally, evidence of an edge mode droplet in a nanowire is presented. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Фізико-технічний інститут низьких температур ім. Б.І. Вєркіна НАН України uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartof Физика низких температур
dc.subject Специальный выпуск К 80-летию уравнения Ландау–Лифшица uk_UA
dc.title Magnetic droplet solitons in orthogonal spin valves uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.status published earlier uk_UA

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