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періодичних видань НАН України

Dielectric characteristics of GaSe nanocrystals intercalated with hydrogen

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

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dc.contributor.author Kaminskii, V.I.
dc.contributor.author Kovalyuk, Z.D.
dc.contributor.author Netyaga, V.V.
dc.contributor.author Boledzyuk, V.B.
dc.date.accessioned 2017-05-28T18:02:01Z
dc.date.available 2017-05-28T18:02:01Z
dc.date.issued 2007
dc.identifier.citation Dielectric characteristics of GaSe nanocrystals intercalated with hydrogen / V.M. Kaminskii, Z.D. Kovalyuk, V.V. Netyaga, and V.B. Boledzyuk // Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics. — 2007. — Т. 10, № 3. — С. 84-86. — Бібліогр.: 11 назв. — англ. uk_UA
dc.identifier.issn 1560-8034
dc.identifier.other PACS 61.46.-Df, 71.20.-Tx, 81.40.-Tv
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/118130
dc.description.abstract The results of investigations of dielectric characteristics of GaSe nanocrystals and their hydrogen intercalates are presented. By using the impedance spectroscopy method, it is established that the dielectric spectra of GaSe and HxGaSe (х = 0.07 and 0.14) nanocrystals correspond to the exponent law of dielectric response. It is found that there is an increase of the dielectric constant ε∞ for the intercalated samples in comparison with that of the initial sample. We have obtained the frequency dependences of the real and imaginary parts of the conductivity, whose dispersion is due to the presence of two-dimensional defects. Equivalent electrical circuits which determine electrical characteristics of the crystals under study are proposed. uk_UA
dc.language.iso en uk_UA
dc.publisher Інститут фізики напівпровідників імені В.Є. Лашкарьова НАН України uk_UA
dc.relation.ispartof Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics
dc.title Dielectric characteristics of GaSe nanocrystals intercalated with hydrogen uk_UA
dc.type Article uk_UA
dc.status published earlier uk_UA

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