Висвітлюється питання практичної реалізації політики державних та партійних
органів щодо ліквідації церковних установ у Чернігові, зокрема єпархіального складу,
який знаходився у дзвіниці будинку Чернігівського колегіуму на початку 20-тих років ХХ ст.
Освещаются вопросы практической реализации политики государственных и
партийных органов, направленной на ликвидацию церковных учреждений в Чернигове, в
частности єпархиального склада, который находился в колокольне дома Черниговского колегиума в начале 20-тых годов ХХ в.
The article deals with a problem of practical realization of policy in the government and
party bodies regarding the liquidation of the church in Chernihiv, especially the eparchial
stock room in the early 20s of the ХХ cent.
Documented sources show that in the store and eparchial stock room, which were situated
under the cathedral bell tower and in the basements (nowadays is known as a bell tower of
Chernihiv collegium) in the early 20s of the ХХ cent., the vast valuable property has remained,
such as, brocaded and silk fabrics, more than a thousand and a half of icons, liturgical
vestments, books, another cult things, different equipment, constructional materials. Evidently,
an icon workshop also could work here.
Most of this valuable property had confiscated and transferred to the different city
authorities: to the Governorate Executive Committee, governorate museum, governorate
archives office, governorate finance section, M. Kotsiubynsky School, governorate hospital,
and other authorities. The fate of thousand icons, which were in the store and a stock room is still unknown.