В последнее время заметно усилился интерес к определению и объяснению черт сходства и различия в развитии культурно-технических традиций, свойственных не только локальным археологическим культурам, но и более крупным подразделениям, в том числе определенным географическим регионам.
This article is devoted to the definition of the main indices of stone tool kits of Upper Paleolithic assemblages of the steppe country north of the Black Sea, based on the Sonneville-Bordes and Perrot typological-statistical method. As a result of analysis of proportions of indices, the attribution of Upper Paleolithic sites to certain technocomplexes can be made. Temporal correlation of these technocomplexes was based on stratigraphical data and available radiocarbon dates. The technical traditions of Szeletoid and Aurignacoid technocomplexes existed during early and middle stages of the Upper Paleolithic. The traditions of the Gravettoid technocomplex are connected with middle and late stages of the Upper Paleolithic. There are several complexes with mixed features of Aurignacoid and Gravettoid traditions.