Статья посвящена публикации фибул из позднескифского могильника Красный Маяк на Нижнем
Днепре. Анализ типов и распространения фибул
позволяет наметить хронологические периоды существования памятника, реконструировать контакты поздних скифов с восточными и западными
соседями, установить особенности древнего костюма и погребального обряда.
Having analyzed of fibulae four chronological periods
in the usage of the burial ground Chervony Mayak can
be distinguished: the early stage (the second half of
the 2nd century BC — the first half of the 1st century
BC); the second stage (the second half of the 1st century
BC — the first half of the 1st century AD) which is the
time of appearance of the first Roman imports; the
third «stage of heyday» (the second half of the 1st — the
first half of the 2nd century AD) — the time of increase of population at the settlement, the emergence of
the «Eastern wave» of Sarmatian migration and the Sarmatization of the Late Scythian culture; the final
stage (the second half of 2nd century — the first half of the 3rd century AD), the time of the last Late Scythian
funerals on the Chervony Mayak necropolis. The comparison of the number of fibulae with gender of the
buried allows to research some patterns of the Late Scythian costume. The chronology of fibulae shows
that one catacomb could be used for collective funeral no more than 50 years.