Перегляд за автором "Velmozhnaya, E.S."

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Zhmurin, P.N.; Eliseev, D.A.; Lebedev, V.N.; Pereymak, V.N.; Svidlo, O.V.; Velmozhnaya, E.S. (Functional Materials, 2016)
    A fast plastic scintillator (PS) on combined base, consisting of 60 wt.% polystyrene and 40 wt.% N-tolylcarbazole, is presented. Relatively to known fast PS, in which luminescence quenching method is used to reduce the ...
  • Velmozhnaya, E.S.; Bedrik, A.I.; Zhmurin, P.N.; Titskaya, V.D.; Adadurov, A.F.; Sofronov, D.S. (Functional Materials, 2013)
    This paper presents results on investigation of characteristics of plastic scintillators that contain carboxylates of aliphatic-aromatic acid with different neutral ligands as Gd-containing compounds. The peculiarities of ...
  • Velmozhnaya, E.S.; Bedrik, A.I.; Zhmurin, P.N.; Safronov, D.S.; Doroshenko, A.G. (Functional Materials, 2015)
    Results are presented on properties of new synthesized Gd-carboxylates with unsaturated bonds. Gd-containing polystyrene oligomer and plastic scintillators based thereon were obtained using these compounds. The chemical ...
  • Velmozhnaya, E.S.; Gurkalenko, Yu.A.; Eliseev, D.A.; Zhmurin, P.N.; Lebedev, V.N.; Pereymak, V.N. (Functional Materials, 2015)
    The mechanical strength of a radiation-hard plastic scintillator with diffusion enhancers was investigated by creating cross-linked structure in its polymeric matrix. The best result is reached, if 4,4′-divinylbiphenyl is ...
  • Velmozhnaya, E.S.; Gurkalenko, Yu.A.; Eliseev, D.A.; Zhmurin, P.N.; Lebedev, V.N.; Pereymak, V.N. (Functional Materials, 2016)
    New mechanically strong compositions of radiation-hard plastic scintillators with diffusion enhancers and primary dopants with the large Stokes shift are proposed. The new PS has 3 times greater radiation hardness in ...