Перегляд за автором "Tokovenko, B.T."

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  • Tokovenko, B.T.; El'skaya, A.V.; Obolenskaya, M.Yu. (Біополімери і клітина, 2007)
    Finding genes which have biologically meaningful ISRE (interferon-stimulated response element) is important for better understanding of the Jak-STAT activated cellular IFN response. We used transcription factor binding ...
  • Obolenskaya, M.Yu.; Tokovenko, B.T.; Kuklin, A.V.; Frolova, A.A.; Rodriguez, R.R.; Dotsenko, V.A.; Dragushchenko, O.O. (Вiopolymers and Cell, 2014)
    The first laboratory of Systems Biology in Ukraine (IMBIG NASU) represents a track record of its scientific results. They include the pioneered development of a web-based tool for genome-wide surveys of eukaryotic promoters ...