Перегляд за автором "Shchurova, T.N."

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  • Shchurova, T.N.; Savchenko, N.D.; Popovic, K.O.; Baran, N.Yu. (Хімія, фізика та технологія поверхні, 2010)
    Depth profiles of the near-surface region and chemical composition for amorphous films deposited from Ge33As12Se55 bulk glasses and their changes resulting from six months ageing under ambient conditions have been studied ...
  • Klevets, V.Yu.; Savchenko, N.D.; Shchurova, T.N.; Opachko, I.I.; Popovic, K.O. (Functional Materials, 2013)
    In terms of tight-binding approximation and pseudopotential theory the following energy parameters for binary tin and phosphorus chalcogenides: band gap, electron affinity energy and energy position of Fermi level have ...
  • Savchenko, N.D.; Shchurova, T.N.; Popovych, K.O.; Rubish, I.D.; Leising, G. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2004)
    The results of calculations of the valence band top, conduction band bottom, optical band gap, gap states formed by the homopolar bonds and clusters in ZnS: Cu, Cl crystallophosphors have been presented. The calculation ...