Перегляд за автором "Rubish, V.M."

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Azhniuk, Yu.M.; Gomonnai, A.V.; Gomonnai, O.O.; Hasynets, S.M.; Kováč, F.; Lopushansky, V.V.; Petryshynets, I.; Rubish, V.M.; Zahn, D.R.T. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2015)
    Sn–As–P–S glasses were obtained using co-melting of pre-synthesized As₂S₃ and Sn₂P₂S₆. Their structure and composition were confirmed by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy, ...
  • Rubish, V.M.; Kozusenok, O.V.; Shtets, P.P.; Marjan, V.M.; Gera, E.V.; Tarnaj, A.A. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2012)
    The results of isothermal and nonisothermal crystallization investigations of the (As₂S₃)₁₀₀-x(SbSI)x (53≤x≤80) thin films are given. It is shown that the films crystallization is accompanied by a sharp decrease in ...
  • Rosul, R.R.; Guranich, P.P.; Gomonnai, O.O.; Slivka, A.G.; Rigan, M.Yu.; Rubish, V.M.; Guranich, O.G.; Gomonnai, A.V. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2012)
    Studies of polycrystalline TlIn(S₁-xSex)₂ samples under hydrostatic pressure were performed. Determined in this work were pressure coefficients near temperatures of ε(T) anomalies. Based on studying the temperature ...
  • Rubish, V.M. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2003)
    D.c. and a.c. conductivity (d(0) and d(w )) and dielectric parameters (d and tgd ) of Cu-Sb-S-I system glasses are investigated in 1.0*10⁴ - 6.0*10⁷ Hz frequency range and 170-400 K temperature interval. In the glasses of ...
  • Kryuchyn, A.A.; Petrov, V.V.; Rubish, V.M.; Lapchuk, A.S.; Kostyukevych, S.O.; Shepeliavyi, P.E.; Kostyukevych, K.V. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2014)
    Thin films of glassy chalcogenide semiconductor are widely used as recording media in optical data storage. To obtain relief micro- and nanoscale structures on the surface of optical master discs inorganic photoresists ...
  • Trunov, M.L.; Lytvyn, P.M.; Nagy, P.M.; Oberemok, O.S.; Durkot, M.O.; Tarnaii, A.A.; Prokopenko, I.V.; Rubish, V.M. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2013)
    We have established that mass-transport processes in two types of amorphous materials, based on light-sensitive inorganic compounds like Se and As₂₀Se₈₀ chalcogenide glasses (ChG), can be enhanced at the nanoscale in the ...
  • Rubish, V.M.; Gera, E.V.; Durcot, M.O.; Pop, M.M.; Kostyukevich, S.O.; Kudryavtsev, A.A.; Mykulanynets-Meshko, O.S.; Rigan, M.Yu. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2013)
    The optical transmissions spectra of amorphous Ge-S-Se films of chemical compositions (GeS₂)₅₀(GeSe₂)₅₀ and (GeS₃)₅₀(GeSe₃)₅₀, prepared by thermal evaporation, have been measured over the whole 400 to 800 nm spectral ...
  • Rubish, V.M.; Gera, E.B.; Pop, M.M.; Maryan, V.M.; Kostyukevych, S.O.; Moskalenko, N.L.; Semak, D.G.; Kostyukevych, K.V.; Kryuchin, A.A.; Petrov, V.V. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2009)
    The results of investigation of the As₄₀-xSbxS₆₀ (x = 0-10) thin films transmission spectra depending on exposure and heat treatment conditions are given. It was established that illumination and annealing of films leads ...
  • Malesh, V.I.; Rubish, V.V.; Shpak, I.I.; Rubish, V.M.; Puha, P.P. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2002)
    The results of investigating different parameters (of glasses in Ge-Sb-Se system have been given. The values of structural-sensitive molar IR polarization F have been calculated and its concentrational dependence has been ...
  • Rubish, V.M.; Stefanovich, V.O.; Maryan, V.M.; Mykaylo, O.A.; Shtets, P.P.; Kaynts, D.I.; Yurkin, I.M. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2014)
    The structure and structural changes under the isothermal annealing of (GeS₂)₁₀₀₋x(SbSI)x (0 ≤ x ≤ 90) glasses were investigated by Raman spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction methods. The nanoheterogeneous nature of these ...
  • Kostyukevych, S.A.; Morozovska, A.N.; Minko, V.I.; Shepeliavyi, P.E.; Kudryavtsev, A.A.; Rubish, V.M.; Rubish, V.V.; Tverdokhleb, I.V.; Kostiukevych, A.S.; Dyrda, S.V. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2004)
    High efficient holographic diffraction gratings with spatial frequencies from 600 to 3600 mm⁻¹ have been recorded using As₄₀S₆₀–хSeх (х = 0, 10, 20) photoresist layers and He-Cd laser operating at the wavelength λ = 440 ...
  • Rubish, V.M.; Bih, L.; Mykaylo, O.A.; Gorina, O.V.; Maryan, V.M.; Gasinets, S.M.; Solomon, A.M.; Lazor, P.; Kostyukevych, S.O. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2013)
    (As₂S₃)₁₀₀₋x(SbSI)x (x = 80 and 90) glasses were prepared by cooling homogenized melts from 720…750 K in cold water. Their structure and structural changes under heat treatment of glasses are confirmed by studies of ...