Перегляд за автором "Roka-Moiia, Y.M."

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  • Zhernossekov, D.D.; Roka-Moiia, Y.M.; Grinenko, T.V. (Вiopolymers and Cell, 2016)
    Annexins are calcium-binding proteins that interact with cellular membranes due to their ability to bind phospholipids. The structural and functional peculiarities of these proteins have been described. Being cytosolic ...
  • Zhernossekov, D.D.; Roka-Moiia, Y.M.; Tykhomyrov, A.A.; Grinenko, T.V. (Вiopolymers and Cell, 2015)
    Aim. To study the vitronectin exposure on the platelet surface in the presence of two forms of the plasminogen molecule: Lys- and Glu-plasminogens. Methods. Research was conducted on human platelets. Aggregometry was used ...