Перегляд за автором "Ponomarenko, N.P."

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Glazunov, G.P.; Baron, D.I.; Bondarenko, M.N.; Burchenko, P.Ya.; Chechkin, V.V.; Chernyshenko, V.Ya.; Grigor’eva, L.I.; Konovalov, V.G.; Konotopskiy, A.L.; Kotenko, V.G.; Lozin, A.V.; Maznichenko, S.M.; Moiseenko, V.E.; Pashnev, V.K.; Ponomarenko, N.P.; Solodovchenko, S.I.; Sorokovoy, Ye.L.; Shapoval, A.V.; Tereshin, V.I.; Voitsenya, V.S. (2010)
    The work describes the design of a multifunctional B4C-limiter, and reports preliminary results from experimental study of the limiter operated at steady-state and pulsed RF discharge cleaning regimes in the Uragan-2M torsatron.
  • Pashnev, V.K.; Petrushenya, A.A.; Ponomarenko, N.P.; Sorokovoy, E.L. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2014)
    The hydrogen recycling behavior has been studied during the plasma experiments in torsatron U-3M. For this purpose, the time dependence of the molecular hydrogen pressure in the U-3M torsatron vacuum chamber in the modes ...
  • Pashnev, V.K.; Petrushenya, A.A.; Bondarenko, V.N.; Sorokovoy, E.L.; Ponomarenko, N.P.; Ozherelyev, F.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2017)
    The experimental method was developed for evaluation of a hydrogen particle flux balance over a wide range of operating conditions in the Uragan-3M torsatron (U-3M) in the course of RF discharges. Standard pressure gauges ...
  • Glazunov, G.P.; Volkov, E.D.; Baron, D.I.; Ponomarenko, N.P. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    The tests of the pure hydrogen inflow system had been carried out during pulsed discharge cleaning and work regimes of the Uragan-3M torsatron. It had been shown that the inflow system provides required steady flows of ...