Перегляд за автором "Marcelli, A."

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  • Robouch, B.V.; Marcelli, A.; Robouch, P.; Kisiel, A. (Физика низких температур, 2011)
    We discuss which x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) data of binary doped CmIm' compound structures can be unfolded to determine elemental bond distances and the deviations from random configurations due to site ...
  • Robouch, B.V.; Kisie, A.; Marcelli, A.; Sheregii, E.M.; Cestelli Guidi, M.; Piccinini, M.; Polit, J.; Cebulski, J.; Mycielsk, A.; Ivanov-Omski, V.I.; Sciesinska, E.; Sciesinski, J.; Burattini, E. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    At the 2004 Ural International Winter School, we introduced the statistical strained tetrahedron model and discussed ternary tetrahedron structured crystals. The model allows one to interpret x-ray absorption fine structure ...
  • Robouch, B.V.; Marcelli, A.; Saini, N.L.; Kisiel, A. (Физика низких температур, 2009)
    Local structure of Ce₁₋xLaxRu₂ system, measured by EXAFS has been re-examined and correlated to the statistical ad hoc model, recently applied to the sphalerite, wurtzite and other intermetallic ternary alloys. The ...