Перегляд за автором "Kurkin, G.Ya."

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Gorniker, E.I.; Gudkov, B.A.; Evtushenko, Yu.A.; Kondakov, A.A.; Kurkin, G.Ya.; Oreshkov, A.D.; Ovchar, B.K.; Salikova, T.V.; Scheglov, M.A.; Tararyshkin, S.V.; Tribendis, A.G.; Vinokurov, N.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2001)
    The control system of the high power infrared FEL is built on the base of a two-level distributed system. The system includes the operator interface at the upper level and Input/Output Controllers under supervision of the ...
  • Kondakov, A.A.; Kurkin, G.Ya.; Oreshkov, A.D.; Salikova, T.V.; Scheglov, M.A.; Tribendis, A.G.; Vinokurov, N.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2001)
    The control system of the high power infrared FEL is the classical two-level distributed control system built on a basis of EPICS. This paper describes the software features of a control system and discuss the architecture ...
  • Antokhin, E.A.; Akberdin, R.R.; Arbuzov, V.S.; Bokov, M.A.; Bolotin, V.P.; Burenkov, D.B.; Bushuev, A.A.; Veremeenko, V.F; Vinokurov, N.A.; Vobly, P.D.; Gavrilov, N.G.; Gorniker, E.I; Gorchakov, K.M; Grigoryev, V.N; Gudkov, B.A.; Davydov, A.V.; Deichuli, O.I.; Dementyev, E.N.; Dovzhenko, B.A.; Dubrovin, A.N; Evtushenko, Yu.A.; Zagorodnikov, E.I.; Zaigraeva, N.S.; Erokhin, A.I; Kairan, D.A.; Kiselev, O.B.; Knyazev, B.A.; Kozak, V.R.; Kolmogorov, V.V; Kolobanov, E.I; Kondakov, A.A.; Kondakova, N.L.; Krutikhin, S.A.; Kryuchkov, A.M.; Kubarev, V.V; Kulipanov, G.N; Kuper, E.A.; Kuptsov, I.V.; Kurkin, G.Ya.; Labutskaya, E.A.; Leontyevskaya, L.G.; Loskutov, V.Yu; Matveenko, A.N; Medvedev, L.E.; Medvedko, A.S.; Miginsky, S.V.; Mironenko, L.A.; Motygin, S.V.; Oreshkov, A.D.; Ovchar, V.K.; Osipov, V.N.; Persov, B.Z.; Petrov, S.R.; Petrov, V.M.; Pilan, A.M.; Poletaev, I.V.; Polyanskiy, A.V.; Popik, V.M.; Popov, A.M.; Rotov, E.A.; Salikova, T.V; Sedliarov, I.K; Selivanov, P.A.; Serednyakov, S.S.; Skrinsky, A.N.; Tararyshkin, S.V.; Timoshina, L.A.; Tribendis, A.G.; Kholopov, M.A.; Cherepanov, V.P.; Shevchenko, O.A.; Shteinke, A.R.; Shubin, E.I.; Scheglov, M.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2004)
    The first lasing near the wavelength of 140 µm was achieved in April 2003 using a high-power free electron laser (FEL) constructed at the Siberian Center for Photochemical Research. In this paper we briefly describe the ...
  • Arbusov, V.S.; Bushuev, A.S.; Volkov, V.N.; Gavrilov, N.G.; Gorniker, E.I.; Kenjebulatov, E.K.; Kondakov, A.A.; Krutikhin, S.A.; Kruchkov, Ya.G.; Kuptsov, I.V.; Kurkin, G.Ya.; Loskutov, V.Yu.; Mironenko, L.A.; Motygin, S.V.; Osipov, V.N.; Petrov, V.M.; Pilan, A.M.; Sedlyarov, I.K.; Tribendis, A.G.; Fomin, N.G. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2001)
    A brief description of the RF system of 100 MeV race-track microtron-recuperator being built in Novosibirsk for the Free Electron Laser project at Siberian center of Photochemistry research is presented. The frequency of ...
  • Volkov, V.N.; Bushuev, A.A.; Fomin, N.G.; Gorniker, E.I.; Kenjebulatov, E.K.; Korchuganov, V.N.; Krutihin, S.A.; Kurkin, G.Ya.; Makarov, I.G.; Mityanina, N.V.; Petrov, V.M.; Sedlyarov, I.K.; Tribendis, A.G. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2001)
    In the report presented here the projects of two accelerating cavities with strong damping of higher modes (HOM) with special vacuum loads are presented. The designs of the cavities and loads are described. The design ...
  • Biryuchevsky, Yu.A.; Gorniker, E.I.; Kendjebulatov, E.K.; Krutikhin, S.A.; Kurkin, G.Ya.; Petrov, V.M.; Pilan, A.M. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2012)
    The new RF system for the BEP storage ring (which is an injector of VEPP-2000 accelerating complex) will increase the particles energy in the BEP from 0.9 to 1 GeV. RF system operates at a frequency of 174 MHz and consists ...