Перегляд за автором "Kostyukevych, S.A."

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Borisov, I.S.; Girnyk, V.I.; Kostyukevych, S.A.; Grygoruk, V.I.; Kostyukevych, K.V. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2008)
    We have considered the basic aspects of the technology of animated and stereographic rainbow images. These images can be included in Optical Security Devices (OSDs) in order to increase their structure complexity and to ...
  • Braginets, E.V.; Girnyk, V.I.; Kostyukevych, S.A.; Kurashov, V.N.; Soroka, A.A.; Moskalenko, N. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    It is well known that one of the basic functions of security holograms is the maximal complication of their non-authorized reproduction, in other words – counterfeiting. To solve the problem, concealed images that can be ...
  • Morozovska, A.N.; Kostyukevych, S.A. (Реєстрація, зберігання і обробка даних, 2005)
    Theoretical consideration and computer modeling of information pit recording and etching processes in chalcogenide vitreous semiconductors are proposed, namely we demonstrate how to record and develop information pits with ...
  • Kostyukevych, K.V.; Khristosenko, R.V.; Shirshov, Yu.M.; Kostyukevych, S.A.; Samoylov, A.V.; Kalchenko, V.I. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2011)
    This work is devoted to development of a multi-element gas sensor based on surface plasmon resonance (SPR) to recognize some alcohols. As sensitive layers capable to change their optical properties when interacting with ...
  • Morozovska, A.N.; Kostyukevych, S.A.; Nikitenko, L.L.; Kryuchin, A.A.; Kudryavtsev, A.A.; Shepeliavyi, P.E.; Moskalenko, N.L. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2004)
    The paper is devoted to the theoretical consideration of the question how to record pits with the necessary height profile in photosensitive materials by varying their heat conductivity, photosensitivity, optical absorption, ...
  • Muravsky, L.I.; Kulynych, Ya.P.; Maksymenko, O.P.; Voronyak, T.I.; Pogan, L.Y.; Vladimirov, F.L.; Kostyukevych, S.A.; Fitio, V.M. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2002)
    Performance of optical and hybrid joint transform correlators (JTCs) for security verification of optical marks containing transformed phase masks (PMs) is studied. The peak-to-noise ratio (PNR) and relative intensity of ...
  • Kostyukevych, S.A.; Morozovska, A.N.; Minko, V.I.; Shepeliavyi, P.E.; Kudryavtsev, A.A.; Rubish, V.M.; Rubish, V.V.; Tverdokhleb, I.V.; Kostiukevych, A.S.; Dyrda, S.V. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2004)
    High efficient holographic diffraction gratings with spatial frequencies from 600 to 3600 mm⁻¹ have been recorded using As₄₀S₆₀–хSeх (х = 0, 10, 20) photoresist layers and He-Cd laser operating at the wavelength λ = 440 ...
  • Yukhymchuk, V.O.; Kostyukevych, S.A.; Dzhagan, V.M.; Milekhin, A.G.; Rodyakina, E.E.; Yanchuk, I.B.; Shepeliavy, P.Ye.; Valakh, M.Ya.; Kostyukevych, K.V.; Lysiuk, V.O.; Tverdokhlib, I.V. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2012)
    Preparation and study of laterally ordered and disordered arrays of Au nanoislands as SERS substrates are reported. Developed technology allows obtaining SERS substrates with long-term stability (up to six months), efficient ...
  • Stronski, A.V.; Vlcek, M.; Kostyukevych, S.A.; Tomchuk, V.M.; Kostyukevych, E.V.; Svechnikov, S.V.; Kudryavtsev, A.A.; Moskalenko, N.L.; Koptyukh, A.A. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2002)
    Thin vacuum-evaporated layers of As₄₀S₆₀-xSex composition are investigated using Raman spectroscopy from the viewpoint of thermo- and photostructural transformations in them. These transformations are considered as changes ...
  • Kostyukevych, S.A.; Moskalenko, N.L.; Shepeliavyi, P.E.; Girnyk, V.I.; Tverdokhleb, I.V.; Ivanovsky, A.A. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2001)
    Modern holographic protective elements used as emblems against counterfeiting are being more complicated as they should oppress criminal world. 2D, 3D, 3D rainbow holograms or simple diffraction structures protecting ...