Перегляд за автором "Gorelik, L.Y."

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  • Krive, I.V.; Gorelik, L.Y.; Shekhter, R.I.; Jonson, M. (Физика низких температур, 2004)
    We evaluate the Josephson current through a quasi-1D quantum wire coupled to bulk superconductors. It is shown that the interplay of Rashba spin–orbit interaction and Zeeman splitting results in the appearence of a ...
  • Kulinich, S.I.; Gorelik, L.Y. (Физика низких температур, 2018)
    We theoretically consider a nanomechanical link between two metallic leads subject to a temperature drop. It is shown that mechanical dynamics of such system can be strongly affected by a heat flow through it via the ...
  • Shekhter, R.I.; Gorelik, L.Y.; Krive, I.V.; Kiselev, M.N.; Kulinich, S.I.; Parafilo, A.V.; Kikoin, K.; Jonson, M. (Физика низких температур, 2014)
    A single-electron tunneling (SET) device with a nanoscale central island that can move with respect to the bulk source- and drain electrodes allows for a nanoelectromechanical (NEM) coupling between the electrical current ...
  • Nord, T.; Gorelik, L.Y. (Физика низких температур, 2005)
    Fully quantized mechanical motion of a single-level quantum coupled to two voltage biased electronic leads is studied. It is found that there are two different regimes depending on the applied voltage. If the bias voltage ...
  • Gorelik, L.Y.; Kulinich, S.I.; Shekhter, R.I.; Jonson, M.; Vinokur, V.M. (Физика низких температур, 2007)
    We study transport of spin-polarized electrons through a magnetic single-electron transistor (SET) in the presence of an external magnetic field. Assuming the SET to have a nanometer-sized central island with a single ...
  • Kulinich, S.I.; Gorelik, L.Y.; Parafilo, A.V.; Shekhter, R.I.; Park, Y.W.; Jonson, M. (Физика низких температур, 2014)
    We show that self sustained mechanical vibrations in a model magnetic shuttle device can be driven by both the charge and the spin accumulated on the movable central island of the device. Different scenarios for how spin- ...
  • Sonne, G.; Peña-Aza, M.E.; Shekhter, R. I.; Gorelik, L.Y.; Jonson, M. (Физика низких температур, 2010)
    We consider a new type of cooling mechanism for a suspended nanowire acting as a weak link between two superconductive electrodes. By applying a bias voltage over the system, we show that the system can be viewed as a ...