Перегляд за автором "Fardigola, L.V."

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Fardigola, L.V. (Журнал математической физики, анализа, геометрии, 2015)
    The 2-d wave equation wtt = Δw, t belongs (0, T), on the half-plane x1 > 0 controlled by the Neumann boundary condition wx1(0, x2, t) = δ(x2)u(t) is considered in Sobolev spaces, where T > 0 is a constant and u  L∞(0, T) ...
  • Fardigola, L.V. (Журнал математической физики, анализа, геометрии, 2005)
    Necessary and sufficient conditions for null-controllability and approximate null-controllability are obtained for the wave equation on a half-plane. Controls solving these problems are found explicitly. Moreover bang-bang ...
  • Fardigola, L.V. (Журнал математической физики, анализа, геометрии, 2016)
    In the paper, the control system wₜₜ =1/ρ(kwₓ)ₓ + γw, wₓ(0, t) = u(t), x > 0, t belongs (0, T), is considered in special modified spaces of Sobolev type Here ρ, k, and γ are given functions on [0, +∞); u belongs L∞(0, ∞) ...