Перегляд за автором "Dudnik, S.F."

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Kutny, V.E.; Vierovkin, A.A.; Rybka, A.V.; Dudnik, S.F.; Opalev, O.A.; Strelnitsky, V.E.; Zakharchenko, A.A.; Tenishev, A.Eh.; Uvarov, V.L.; Shevchenko, V.A.; Shlyakhov, I.N. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2016)
    The prototypes of the coordinate-sensitive semiconductor detectors based on polycrystalline diamond films (CVD-diamond) have been manufactured in the NSC KIPT. In this communication, a version of the detector with the ...
  • Dudnik, S.F.; Kalinichenko, A.I.; Strel’nitskij, V.E. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2014)
    Dependence of thermal conductivity of nanocrystalline diamond on grain size and shape is theoretically investigated. Nanodiamond is considered as two-phase material composed of diamond grains characterizing by three main ...
  • Vyrovets, I.I.; Gritsyna, V.I.; Dudnik, S.F.; Opalev, O.A.; Reshetnyak, E.N.; Strel'nitskiy, V.E. (Functional Materials, 2009)
    Diamond films of up to 12 μm thickness have been deposited onto single crystal silicon substrates by CVD method in CH₄/H₂/Ar glow discharge plasma stabilized by magnetic field. X-ray diffraction analysis and atomic force ...