Перегляд за автором "Bogachek, E.N."

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Parafilo, A.V.; Krive, I.V.; Bogachek, E.N.; Landman, U.; Shekhter, R.I.; Jonson, M. (Физика низких температур, 2010)
    The novel phenomenon of chiral tunneling in metallic single-wall carbon nanotubes is considered. It is induced by the interplay of electrostatic and pseudomagnetic effects in electron scattering in chiral nanotubes and is ...
  • Romanovsky, I.A.; Bogachek, E.N.; Krive, I.V.; Landman, U. (Физика низких температур, 2008)
    Superconductivity induced phase-controlled mesoscopic magnetic effects in a two-dimensional electron gas that bridges two superconducting reservoirs are investigated. Giant paramagnetic response of the junction, occuring ...
  • Gurzhi, R.N.; Kalinenko, A.N.; Kopeliovich, A.I.; Yanovsky, A.V.; Bogachek, E.N.; Landman, Uzi (Физика низких температур, 2003)
    We study the role of electron-electron collisions in the formation of spin-polarized current states in a "spin guide" which is a system consisting of a non-magnetic conducting channel wrapped in the grounded nanoscale ...
  • Parafilo, A.V.; Krive, I.V.; Bogachek, E.N.; Landman, U. (Физика низких температур, 2012)
    We calculate a quantum (Casimir-like) superconducting phase-dependent force acting on a movable scatterer in a superconductor–normal metal–superconductor (SNS) junction. Repulsive Casimir forces are predicted for a short ...
  • Krive, I.V.; Romanovsky, I.A.; Bogachek, E.N.; Scherbakov, A.G.; Landman, Uzi (Физика низких температур, 2001)
    Thermoelectric effects in a Luttinger liquid (LL) wire adiabatically connected to the leads of noninteracting electrons are considered. For a multichannel LL a staircase-like behavior of the thermal conductance as ...